CONDOS – Market Report for Framingham 7.17.17

If you can’t seem to find anything within your budget, or reasonably priced, consider these condos!  All have 2+ bedrooms and are under $275,000 (one 3BR for $312,000 for fun!).  The Framingham market is competitive, but we are here to help.  Check out what is on the market today.

Framingham ON MARKET CONDOS 7.17.17 REPORT

The most reliable site to search for current listing data is MLS, and you can only get MLS emails from a licensed real estate agent.  Zillow and Trulia are often inaccurate; their valuations of homes, the facts (number of bathrooms, bedrooms, etc), the status – active, under agreement, etc.  Please email us today to sign up for customized emails.  You can search here yourself on MLS: Search MLS HERE!

Please contact Angela Mateo: or Shannon McCullough:


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