Minimum Income Requirement for Self-Employed Applicants

This blog post is a guide to help prospective tenants who may have questions about how we qualify you (based on your income) when you're self-employed or receive a FORM 1099. If you are a sole-proprietor, please use line 31 on your Schedule C.  If you receive one 1099 or several 1099's, it will also be line 31 on your Schedule C.  Sometimes we consider the difference between line 7 and 31 depending...

Security Deposit Collection – Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Most landlords make honest mistakes when collecting and accounting for a tenant security deposit.  In this blog I will outline the most common mistakes, how to avoid them, and how to make it right if you have made an error. Mistake #1: You did not use the proper forms. Not only do you need to use the proper forms as prescribed by MA law (a receipt and Statement of Condition), they need to have...

How to throw things away…

The definitive guide to curbside trash & recycling -and- recently updated with: Have you ever wondered how to throw big items away?  You can't put a king size mattress in a Honda Civic... whether you're moving out, moving in, or cleaning up, here is how you can arrange for cheap (and sometimes free!) curbside bulky item pickup. Framingham Curbside trash and recycling are free!   Must be in the...

Memo: To All Landlords, RE: Homeowner’s Insurance

This memo was issued to all property management clients in March 2020.  I have published it here publicly for all property owners to use as a reference and to recall anything, if needed! To: All Landlords From: Shannon McCullough, Property Manager Date: March 10, 2020 (publishing in blog on 9/25/2020 for reference) RE: Homeowners Insurance After recently suffering a loss at an uninsured...

Basic Landlord Tips – Make Your Life Easier

I have twelve years experience in the industry.  Sometimes people ask me what is the craziest thing I have ever seen a tenant do... I have seen a lot of insane things and someday I will include them all in a memoir.  But some of the most mind-boggling of them all are things landlords do!  Here are some free tips on how to run a tighter ship and save yourself time and money. Locks and...

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