For Tenants

Minimum Income Requirement for Self-Employed Applicants

This blog post is a guide to help prospective tenants who may have questions about how we qualify you (based on your income) when you're self-employed or receive a FORM 1099. If you are a sole-proprietor, please use line 31 on your Schedule C.  If you receive one 1099 or several 1099's, it will also be line 31 on your Schedule C.  Sometimes we consider the difference between line 7 and 31 depending...

How to throw things away…

The definitive guide to curbside trash & recycling -and- recently updated with: Have you ever wondered how to throw big items away?  You can't put a king size mattress in a Honda Civic... whether you're moving out, moving in, or cleaning up, here is how you can arrange for cheap (and sometimes free!) curbside bulky item pickup. Framingham Curbside trash and recycling are free!   Must be in the...

When is your rent officially “late”?

...the answer my surprise you.  From Mass Legal Help: "You must pay the rent in advance, on or before the date you and the landlord agreed rent is due. Often the agreed rent date is the first of the month." From the Tenants Rights page on the official website: "...the landlord can begin the eviction process immediately, even if the rent is only one day overdue." So the answer is: on day two....

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